FillChoice® Lung CSTD


Sterile Connection

Drug Reconstitution

IV Therapy


Ready-to-transfer CSTD with Smart Pressure Equalisation system for hazardous drug reconstitution and safe handling.

In compliance with NIOSH recommendations

The toxic effects of antineoplastic drugs used for cancer treatment, beyond the patient safety concerns, bring the occupational risks to health care workers handling hazardous drugs in the course of their duties. Multiple international studies(1) have documented, that healthcare workers who handle cytotoxic drugs have an increased risk of developing health-related problems on the reproductive system, such as infertility, abortions, premature births, as well as other medical symptoms on the renal, pulmonary, and cardiovascular systems.

Haemopharm Healthcare is proud to present a new innovative product FillChoice® Lung, designed with the mission to prevent the exposure of healthcare professionals to harmful effects of cytotoxic drugs during reconstitution and delivery to the patients in need.

FillChoice® Lung is a pioneer closed system transfer device (CSTD), compliant with the NIOSH protocols and definitions for CSTDs. FillChoice® Lung is a patented needle-free and filter-free CSTD, filled with a sterile air for pressure equalisation, designed to be suitable for different vial sizes and a standard luer-lock syringe.

  • CLOSED CIRCUIT. FillChoice® Lung is a completely closed-system circuit with safe-sealed connections that ensures the preparation of medicine according to the medical prescription in conditions of maximum safety for healthcare professionals.
  • NEEDLE-FREE. Thanks to the proprietary Needle-free Injection Port – NIP®, FillChoice® Lung provides a completely hermetic and totally safe needle-free connections to the components of the system, that prevent accidental drug release.
  • FILTER-FREE. FillChoice® Lung is based on the pressure equalisation within the system itself, that guarantees safe, easy and efficient handling of the device, excluding the risk of wet filters and accidental drug vapor release.
  • EASY-TO-USE. The linear pre-assembled closed-circuit system significantly reduces the time for reconstitution and administration, while the proprietary know-how and hermetic connections save medical workers from extra steps and device manipulations.

(1) Fransman, W., Roeleveld, N., Peelen, S., de Kort, W., Kromhout, H., & Heederik, D. (2007). Nurses with dermal exposure to antineoplastic drugs: reproductive outcomes. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 18(1), 112–119.

 “FillChoice® Lung: Closed System Drug-Transfer Device” – Download the brochureS

FillChoice® REFILL KIT


Drug Reconstitution

IV Therapy

Urology - Oncology


Ready-to-use system for reconstitution and administration to the patient of one or more drug vials.

CSTD Refill® KIT, is the latest generation of systems for the reconstitution and administration of drugs, which consists of the combination of a dedicated bag and one or more Refill connectors for each vial to be reconstituted.

In the common clinical practice of drug reconstitution, healthcare professionals perform a multi-step procedure that exposes them to serious risks resulting from the use of syringes with needles and the potential release of cytotoxic drugs in the form of drops, vapor or aerosols.

In accordance with the safety guidelines for healthcare personnel, CSTD Refill® KIT introduces an innovative solution on the market: a single product for the reconstitution of multiple drug vials and for the administration to the patient which ensures the closed system and guarantees the safety of operators and patients.

CSTD Refill® KIT, is composed of one or more Refill connectors (one for each vial to be reconstituted) and a dedicated sterile bag (for I.V administration / Instillation) , empty (to be filled at the hospital pharmacy) or pre-filled with solvent. This combination creates a ready-to-use, safe and convenient system.

  • SAFE RECONSTITUTION WITHOUT NEEDLES. CSTD Refill® KIT is designed in accordance with international needle-free policies: this eliminates the risk of accidental needle sticks, which could cause serious damage to the operators’ health, especially in the presence of cytotoxic and dangerous drugs.

  • SAFETY OF THE CLOSED CIRCUIT. During the reconstitution operations there is an important risk of leakage of dangerous drugs in the form of drops, particles or aerosol into the surrounding environment. This involves a serious danger to the health of healthcare professionals who perform the drug reconstitution. The closed system of CSTD Refill® KIT prevents the risk of drug leakage avoiding internal and external contamination.

  • ALL IN ONE & READY TO USE. The combination of the dedicated bag and the REFill connector allows the operator to prepare, reconstitute and administer the drug to the patient, with a ready for use device, that does not require additional materials: everything needed for the reconstitution and administration of the drug is contained within the same device.

  • MULTIVIAL RECONSTITUTION. CSTD Refill® KIT is a device designed for the reconstitution of multiple vials within the same bag, ready for administration, using a dedicated REFill for each vial to be reconstituted.

  • HOME THERAPY. The safety and ease of use features of CSTD Refill® KIT make it perfectly suitable for the preparation and admi­nistration of drugs at home.

  • CONVENIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY. The CSTD Refill® KIT system eliminates the need for additional materials and accessories (e.g. needle syringes typically used for drug reconstitution): in this way, consumables and waste are reduced – and therefore also the environmental impact, health procedures are facilitated and speeded up, and logistics and warehouse management are optimized, allowing for better cost control.

Download the brochure here.

FillChoice® SIV CSSTD


Sterile connection

Drug Reconstitution

IV Therapy


“Sterile Injection Vial”. Closed-system transfer device for sterile connection between the bag and the vial.

The preparation of cytotoxic drugs requires a delicate and complex multi-step procedure, to be performed with extreme care. Ina typical reconstitution process, the drug contained in the vial is solubilized and transferred into the bag for administration to the patient, with the use of a syringe with a needle. At each step, the contact surfaces must be disinfected to avoid microbial contamination of the drug. These operations require the utmost caution, in order to not compromise sterility and avoid damage to the health of the operator and patient. The procedure is performed by healthcare personnel in a controlled environment in compliance with the strictest hygiene and safety standards such as, for example, under a laminar flow hood in the pharmacy departments of hospital facilities.

SIV® CSSTD is a patented closed transfer device that allows the sterile connection between the vial containing a drug to be reconstituted and a bag with solvent.

The SIV® CSSTD System consists of a connector and a dedicated vial stopper, suitable for all standard sized drug vials. No modification is required in the capping system of the pharmaceutical manufacturing process.

In compliance with NIOSH recommendations SIV® CSSTD allows operators to perform a sterile operation in an uncontrolled environment, thanks to the patented connection between the stopper and the connector. This feature speeds up and simplifies the logistics of healthcare facilities, guaranteeing the safety of operators and patients.

  • STERILE CONNECTION With SIV® CSSTD the drug vial connects to the bag in sterile conditions with a simple handling, even in a NON-controlled environment, such as, for example, the hospital ward. The patented SIV® system prevents any microbial contamination, without the need for manual sanitization with disinfectant, required with common CSSTDs on the market.
  • EASY TO USE SIV® CSSTD simplifies the reconstitution procedure: the entire operation can be performed directly in the administration bag, in a single step and with a single device, minimizing the risks and the possibilities of error.
  • SAFE RECONSTITUTION WITHOUT NEEDLES SIV® CSSTD is designed in accordance with international needle-free policies: this eliminates the risk of accidental needle sticks, which could cause serious damage to the operators’ health, especially in the presence of cytotoxic and dangerous drugs.
  • VIAL STOPPER IN INNOVATIVE MATERIAL The stopper of SIV® CSSTD system is produced in an innovative material and with a patented geometry that allows the connector to connect the vial stably and hermetically without the risk of detachment of particles from the cap.
  • SAFETY OF THE CLOSED CIRCUIT During reconstitution operations, there is a significant risk of leakage of hazardous drugs in the form of droplets, particulates or aerosols into the surrounding environment. This poses a serious health hazard to healthcare workers performing drug reconstitution. Thanks to the validated closed system, SIV® CSSTD avoids possible contamination from the external environment and prevents the risk of drug leakage, as prescribed by the NIOSH recommendations for healthcare worker safety.
  • ALL IN ONE & READY TO USE The combination of the dedicated bag and SIV® CSSTD allows to prepare, reconstitute and administer the drug to the patient, with a single ready-to-use device.The system simplifies and speeds up the operations performed by healthcare personnel.
  • HOME THERAPY The safety and ease of use of SIV® CSSTD make it suitable for the preparation and administration of drugs at home.
  • CONVENIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY The possibility of performing all the reconstitution and administration operations using a single device, without additional consumables (syringes, gauze, disinfectant, and more), speeds up and simplifies the logistics and warehouse management of healthcare facilities, reducing consumables and waste, and therefore the environmental impact.

Download the brochure here.

FillChoice® SMART


Drug Reconstitution

Urology - Oncology


Closed system for drug reconstitution and vesical instillation with two connectors

The bag FillChoice® SMART, created by Haemopharm’s research and development, guarantees reconstitution also in association of antiblastic drugs in absolute safety and simplicity, thanks to its patented closed circuit system.
The bag can contain a basic infusional solution (solvent) with the volume and formulation requested for the reconstitution.


  • Closed circuit system during all preparation, reconstitution and infusion operations to the patient, physical and microbiological tests performed by Haemopharm’s Laboratory
  • Possibility of dosing the drug
  • No filters, which are potential cause of drug particulate leak by aerosol effect, and the access of microorganisms
  • Handling of the pressure during the use, guaranteed by the special connector
  • Simple use and a significant reduction of the handling operations
  • No drug aerosol nor particulate leakage outside of the system
  • No needles
  • Drug evidence during the infusion session
  • Cost control

ALL IN ONE. FillChoice® SMART is an all-in-one, ready-to-use system that requires no additional materials: everything needed for reconstituting and administering the drug is contained within the same device.

SUITABLE FOR HOME THERAPY. The safety and ease-of-use features of FillChoice® SMART make it perfectly suited for the preparation and self-administration of drugs at home.

CONVENIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY. The FillChoice® SMART system eliminates the need for additional materials and accessories (e.g. needle syringes usually used for drug reconstitution). This reduces consumption and waste – and therefore also environmental impact – facilitates and speeds up healthcare procedures, and optimises logistics and warehouse management, enabling better cost control.

FillChoice® ROOM CSSTD


Sterile Connection

Drug Reconstitution

IV Therapy


System for drug reconstitution and pharmacy compounding

FillChoice® ROOM is an innovative system for drug reconstitution and pharmacy compounding that provides both the vial and the solvent in one single closed package and maintains sterile conditions when connecting the vial and the solvent.
FillChoice® ROOM allows to replace the multistep procedure of standard practice and to make the drug reconstitution and compounding pharmacy directly in the bag.

  • TOTAL SAFETY. FillChoice® ROOM is not only a closed system but it guarantees 100% isolation: isolation of the drug from external environment and contamination, and isolation of the pharmacist and nurses from the dangerous drug, with no harms in case of leakages, aerosol or accidental break of the vial as everything remains inside the bag with no possibility to exit. Safety is increased by the direct sterile connection vial-bag: Fillchoice® room is the first system that connects the vial and the bag in sterile conditions.

  • EVIDENCE OF THE DRUG IN SITU. As the packaging is completely transparent, the operators perfectly know what’s inside the bag as they can see the vial, the label on the vial (wich contains important data, such as the name of the drug, the quantity, the concentration, the expiry date, etc.). This way there are no problems of unreadable datas and this minimizes medical errors and favours the correct match therapy-patient. Furthermore, Fillchoice® room system contains the precise amount of diluent and drug and guarantees the complete emptying of the vial content, improving dosing accuracy, so that the patient receives the correct dose of the drug.

  • READY TO USE. Using FillChoice® ROOM there is no need of the hospital pharmacy and the multi-step procedure to make the reconstitution because the vial and the drug are already in the same package and the reconstitution can be easily performed directly in the ward, next to patients bed. FillChoice® ROOM is also ready to hang for making the infusion to the patient from the same bag where the drug has been reconstituted, saving time and work for the pharmacist and the nurses. It is also important to underline an added value of the FillChoice® ROOM system as this is perfectly in compliance with the home-care therapies: in most instances, reconstituted drugs are administered in non-clinical settings (typically at home) by patients or caregivers who are not trained health care Professionals. FillChoice® ROOM is totally safe, very easy to use, with no harms for the user and then suitable also for the non-professionals.

  • NO NEED TO MODIFY THE STANDARDS. The main players are the same used in standard practice: the vial and the bag.
    There is no need for special regulatory and the system can be easily adjusted for several drugs.

  • CUSTOMIZATION. FillChoice® ROOM is available for every kind of drug and solvent, any vial size and any solvent volume. There is also the possibility to customize the bag with multiple connectors for multiple vials if a particular compounding is needed (this could be very useful for some antibiotics) and the system remains completely the same: sterile connection vial-bag, one single package, 100% isolation, ready to use. Fillchoice® room can also be provided with different bag material, for special requests of compatibility with drugs or solvent.

  • SUSTAINABILITY. Thanks to its configuration and method of use, FillChoice® ROOM allows the complete emptying of the vial, even if the drug forms a layer of foam. This means that the patient receives the correct amount of drug and that there is less waste of the active principle: no drug stays unused and thrown away in the vial as it is totally returned to the bag and infused to the patient. For the same reason FillChoice® ROOM also helps in limiting the overfill of the vial performed by many Pharmaceutical manufacturers (up to 35 percent). Furthermore, there a lot of saved costs for the solvent that is already inside the bag, for the Consumables and disposables that are not needed any more, for the Pharmacist work and time, for the Hospital Pharmacy equipment management and for the logistics: it’s easier to manage one single product instead of multiple products for a multi-step procedure.



Drug Reconstitution

IV Therapy


Drug reconstitution bag

The FillChoice® bag, created by Haemopharm’s research and development, allows the reconstitution and intravenous administration of drugs in absolute safety and simplicity, thanks to its patented closed circuit system.
The bag can contain a basic infusional solution (solvent) with the volume and formulation requested for the reconstitution.


  • Closed circuit system during all preparation, reconstitution and infusion operations to the patient, physical and microbiological tests performed by Haemopharm’s Laboratory
  • Possibility of dosing the drug
  • No filters, which are potential cause of drug particulate leak by aerosol effect, and the access of microorganisms
  • Handling of the pressure during the use, guaranteed by the special connector
  • Simple use and a significant reduction of the handling operations
  • No drug aerosol nor particulate leakage outside of the system
  • No needles
  • Drug evidence during the infusion session
  • Cost control

“FillChoice®: Bag for reconstitution and administration of medications” – Download the brochure.

Bi-Bag Line

Drug Reconstitution

IV Therapy

Double bag for drug reconstitution

Two-compartment bag for anaesthetic therapy, for transfer and mixing operations, ready to use.


Blood & Cell Therapy

Bags for cryopreservation of tissues

TISSUECHOICE® is a cryobag dedicated to the cryopreservation of different tissues. It has been developed through an accurate research of materials and components: the material is the most innovative formulation of EVA, the weldings are performed with the most advanced technologies and the connectors have been chosen in order to guarantee the highest safety and to minimize the risk of contamination.

The bag special design has been developed to specifically respond to our customers’ needs and to make the product user-friendly during each step of the manipulation. Moreover, this shape perfectly fits the majority of the existing bag holders. All cryobags go through different testing methods, one by one, both in pre and post production phase. A quality label is applied on the finished product as guarantee of its conformity to the testing results. The finished product is in compliance with the internal and external quality standards and every production batch release is provided with a Declaration of Conformity and a Production Control report.

TISSUECHOICE® is available in different sizes, depending on the kind of application.

Download the brochure here.

More info here:


Blood & Cell Therapy

Stem cells collection bags

STEMCHOICE® is a double safety bag for cryopreservation of stem cells , made in speciale material for a better resistance in long term conservation in liquid nitrogen. All cryobags go through different testing methods, one by one, both in pre and post production phase. A quality label is applied on the finished product as guarantee of its conformity to the testing results.

The finished product is in compliance with the internal and external quality standards and every production batch release is provided with a Declaration of Conformity and a Production Control report.The Bags, the overwrapping and each individual component belong to a unique project that turns the product user-friendly. Moreover, the bag special design perfectly fits the majority of the existing bag holders.

The special needle-free connector guarantees the safety of the operator and reduces the risk of contamination.The material has the most innovative formulation of EVA, the welding is performed with the most advanced technologies and the components have been chosen in order to guarantee the highest safety and to minimize the risk of contamination.
The blister is made of medical grade paper and disinfectable plastic film, containing the bag and its overwrap.
This simplifies and improves working in sterile conditions.

STEMCHOICE® bags are available in different sizes, depending on the application.

Download the brochure here.

More info here:


Blood & Cell Therapy

Bags for cryopreservation of adipose tissue

ADIPOCHOICE® is the line of bags born from a new project dedicated to the preservation of autologous adipose tissue which, after being extracted and cleaned up, is stored in liquid nitrogen, to then be thawed and reused in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery.

The bag is equipped with special patented connectors, which enable an easy outflow of the adipose tissue that is generally difficult to manipulate due to its special consistency.

More info here:



Double bag for priming

Bag for extracorporeal circuit rinsing in Haemodialysis.

FKG System


Double bag for CAPD

Double bag system for Peritoneal Dialysis.



Haemofiltration double bag

Available with different hemofiltration formulation.

“CRRT Treatments with citrate” – Download the brochure.



Citrate bag for CRRT treatment

CitraChoice is a bag for regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA) for CRRT treatment. Anticoagulation with citrate, which seems to be clinically more interesting in the CRRT techniques with hematic dilution, does not reach the patient’s blood circulation, preventing from clotting, and lowering the amount of ionized calcium, brought to balance in the patient through a continuous infusion of CaCl.

The dialyzers suitable for this therapy must be equipped with the fourth pump. Those currently on the market are:

  • Bellco
  • Hospal/Gambro
  • Fresenius
  • Edwards

“CRRT Treatments with citrate” – Download the brochure.

Alimenta Parental

Clinical Nutrition

Sterile bag for parenteral nutrition manufactured with innovative material

Alimenta is the brand line of parenteral nutrition bags manufactured with an innovative material that extremely improves the TPN bag features.


  • Transparency: Alimenta transparent film allows an easy inspection of the solution contained in the bag
  • PH stability: contrary to EVA which could release acetate and lower the pH, any PH variation occurs using Alimenta film
  • O2 permeability: Alimenta film provides a high Oxygen barrier, therefore prevents any oxidation of the solution
  • Sealing technology: bags available in multi-chamber configuration (two, three, four, …) with peel-seal technology
  • Volumes: from 150 to 3500 mL, other volumes on request
  • Design: standard or custom made

 “Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition” – Download the brochure.



Corneal graft containment solutions

iRestore solutions are synthetic media for corneal storage. The special formulations consist of a mixture of salts, aminoacids, vitamins, nutrients and preservative agents which are suitable for the physiological preservation of corneal tissues. It is well known that highly viable corneal endothelium is fundamental for a successful transplantation. iRestore solutions are enriched with an osmotic agent identified by PAOLO GOBBI FRATTINI R&D department, which avoids tissue edema formation and provide more stable formulations. All the solutions also contain phenol red indicator which allows a rapid visualization of pH variations.

PAOLO GOBBI FRATTINI production process takes advantage of a cutting-edge technique which ensures high qualitative standards.
All solutions are terminally sterilized by filtration (0.22 μm) into a positive pressure isolator. This real closed system guarantees an aseptic environment which few companies in the ophthalmic industry are able to provide.
Corneal explants can be preserved in appropriate media both at physiological temperature (organ culture method) and at 4°C (storage in hypothermic condition).

The iRestore solutions are divided into three categories according to their purpose:

  • CULTURE: Sterile liquid for the preservation of corneal tissues up to 30 days.
  • CONSERVATION: Sterile liquid for the preservation of the corneal tissues in hypothermia up to 14 days.
  • TRANSPORT: Sterile liquid for deturgescence and transport at room temperature of the corneal tissue, up to 5 days.

“Corneal graft containment solutions” – Download the brochure.



Infusion set for oncology

InfusiONcology is a line of infusion sets designed specifically for oncology, due to the choice of materials and components. The line can be realized in PVC DEHP-free material or in completely PVC FREE material, both characterized by a certified degree of photosensitivity and therefore light protection.
The components have been selected thanks to a close collaboration with Specialized Italian oncology centers, in order to meet the specific requirements of those who handle anticancer drugs daily.


  • PVC DEHP FREE/ PVC FREE amber photosensitive material: allows a safer use with the most light-sensitive drugs. InfusiONcology is the first line of infusion sets with a certified degree of photosensitivity.
  • Needlefree Connectors: increase operator safety when handling dangerous drugs. The luer access allows the user to connect a luer lock syringe and begin therapy only after locking the syringe on the connector, without any risk of medication leakage.
  • Check valves: allow to infuse the anticancer drug with no error or re-inhalation possibility once the drug was injected
    ensures no air bubbles or accidental release of the drug
  • Perforator: ergonomic design for easy grip, small size to allow the simultaneous use of two drifters on bag or bottle
    Inviolable Closing: maximum protection and inability to disconnect
    Certified degree of amber photosensitive tubes and drip chambers, made in PVC DEHP FREE / PVC FREE
    All the materials are USP class VI
    Various possible configurations and custom service available in order to meet the needs of the customer.

IV bag with set


IV Therapy

Totally made in PVC-FREE material

The closed circuit ensures the maximum safety for both patients and operators in the handling of dangerous drugs such as antitumorals.

Sano3® Kit

Ozone Therapy

Major Autohemo Infusion

Sano3 is the First CE marked, patented, complete kit for Major Autohemo Infusion with Ozone.
Each Major Autohemo Infusion Kit consists of two medical devices individually marked CE:

  1. Sterile 400 mL PVC bag, DEHP-free, containing 35 mL of ACD-A anticoagulant solution.
  2. Sterile transfusion set with 175-micron filter, equipped with Y-injection port
    and Luer Lock connection.


  • First complete system authorized by the National Institute of Health (CE specific to the Major Autohemo Infusion)
  • Bag for collecting and processing blood without phthalates (plasticizers)
  • Bag for collecting and processing blood inert to ozone (particle detachment)
  • No needles except for the one dedicated to patient withdrawal (removal of accidental punctures with relative risk of infection)
  • Needlefree Connections (ensure hermetic sealing when disconnected from the syringe
  • Absence of clots and gas embolus (SANO3 allows the performance of all the operations necessary for the treatment of Major Autohemo Infusion without risk of blood clots and embolus

For more info please visit:

“Ozone kit for therapy for major autohemo infusion” – Download the brochure.


Wound Care

Ergonomic bag for the washing of critical wounds


  • Injection point for adding active principles to the irrigation solution
  • Ergonomic shape of the bag which facilitates the controlled compression for the correct washing pressure on the wound
  • Special patented connector, blade flow, for precise cleaning of the wound
  • Sterile
  • CE marked
  • Volume: 150 ml